Agenda for June 9 Meeting

TU Chapter 589

Meeting Agenda


Date: 6/9/2020

Time: 7-9pm

Location: Virtual Video Conference via Zoom. Please Contact for a meeting invite.


Agenda Items:


  1. Introduction
  2. Treasurer’s Report – D. Kohr
  3. NYS Fisheries Management Plan, Inland Trout Streams – G. Brancy
  4. Atlantic salmon Pen Rearing Project–P. Miller/G.Brancy
  5. Tug Hill Brook Trout Survey – P. Miller
  6. Spring seedling planting on Salmon River –G.Brancy
  7. IF4 Fundraiser Update 2020 – G.Brancy/R. Greulich
  8. Mad River Wind Farm –P. Miller
  9. Chapter Insurance -D. Kohr
  10. Project Healing Waters Mexico Chapter, Monthly Programs Review- J. Propster
  11. Trout in the Classroom – Project Update, P. Miller
  12. 2020 TU Youth Camp – Canceled due to COVID-19
  13. Tie One On, 2020 – Canceled due to COVID-19
  14. Additional Items from Group



  • Next meeting September 8, 2020 at the Douglaston Salmon Run Welcome Center, 7-9 PM
    • 301 County Route 5 Pulaski NY 13142
  • Record your volunteer hours! TU National collects this annual data from its members to gauge and leverage the strength of our organization to support
  • Stay up to date with our initiatives, projects, and TU news on our chapter website and Facebook page
  • Meetings will be cancelled per the Pulaski School District’s closing schedule including the after school activities closing schedule. Follow for updates