October Chapter Meeting

Here are the minutes from the September Meeting:



Members Present: Garrett Brancy, Dave Kohr, Paul Miller, John Propster, Wayne Weber, Ed Stankiewicj, Fred Lockwood, Andy Greulich, Rose Greulich.

Meeting called to order: 7:02PM Treasures Report: $537.87

Guests: Scott Prindle and Fran Verdoliva - NYSDEC, Dave Agness – Seth Green TU Chapter.

Salmon River Fisheries Management Plan: Scott Prindle and Fran Verdoliva were our guest speakers on hand for a Q and A session. A new DEC brochure is being printed and will be available at area sport shops. This bifold handout will include rules and regs for the Salmon River as well as Fish ID. It is anticipated that this will also be made into poster form to replace existing signs on 4’ x 8’ boards at access lots. Hatchery well projects – on going need for cooler water in larger quantities, options are being explored. Stream Bank Restoration – targeted areas at Upper and Lower Fly Zones, Altmar, Wire Hole and Ellis Cove have been completed. Next year work will begin using toe wood for bank stabilization. Thermal refuge areas have not been studied yet, although some monitoring of these areas did occur over the summer. Problems with the number of drift boats was mentioned. It was noted that any major changes will need to be made legislatively. Additional access points were discussed. New parking lots are planned for the wire hole off route 52 and on the corner of routes 2A and 13 across from the DEC Training Academy. Transfer of PFRs from the village of Pulaski are moving forward. Regulation changes for the Salmon River have not been addressed at this time. Any proposed changes will require a public comment period. There will be a public meeting regarding the plan in the spring.

Lake Ontario Fisheries Management Focus Group: Next meeting is September 26, 2018. Possible items to be addressed are the minimum length for steelhead and creel limits for brown trout.

Mad River Wind Farm: Stipulation process has not started yet. Main issue of concern is effect on radar at Fort Drum. National weather service has concerns as well.

Brook Trout Collection: We are moving forward with plans to determine the DNA of brook trout captured in the upper reaches of the Salmon River. A grant is being pursued that would cover a portion of the cost. TU chapter cost would be approximately $750. Fundraising will be necessary to facilitate sampling.

Trout in the Classroom: APW is planning to move their program to the high school. Camden is on board as is IHC and BOCES at Verona and New Hartford. The Atlantic Salmon Club will provide some funding this year.

New York State TU Fall State Council Meeting: Scheduled for Friday, October 26 and Saturday, October 27 at Tailwater Lodge, Altmar, NY.

IF4 Fund Raiser: Planned for April 2019. More information next month.

Salmon River Fish Hatchery 22nd Annual Open House: Saturday, September 22, 2018, 9am – 4pm, 2133 County Route 22, Altmar, N.Y. Hatchery tours and family friendly activities. As always - FREE to the Public.

October Meeting: Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 9, 2019 at 7PM. Location 11 North Bar and Grill, 5233 Rt 11, Pulaski in the function room.

Meeting Adjourned: 9:16 PM